

I look so awkward here 

Spent a Saturday with the girls! Woke up really early to catch a less populated time slot for Harry Potter museum and being the avid fans that we are, we were fucking excited. The exhibition's really good!!! Great hall was awesome I love Fred and George's skiving snackbox. And Maurader's Map was so awesome (with a less awesome price of $60) and Aragog! And Narcissa Malfoy's wand was fucking nice but they didn't sell hers. 


Left for SG Food Trail at the flyer for lunch before Keefe sent us to Pearl's and from Pearl's she drove us to my crib to watch some blu-ray HP movies. And it turned out we didn't have a blu-ray player. I spent 188 fucking bucks on discs that I can't even watch. WOW. Drove out to Holland for some dinner before heading home. I love my secondary school friends. What will I EVER do without them. 

"Ever thine, ever mine, ever ours" - Sex And The City (plus a whole lot of sex, nudity and dick fest)